
The Form view allows you to create custom forms in Infinity and share them with people outside your organization i.e. people who don’t have an Infinity account.


With a form, you can collect feedback from clients or team members, gather the necessary contact information, and a lot more. It’s possible to share a form via a link and even embed it on your own website.

In the Form view, each attribute you add equals one field in your form.

How to Create a New Form

There are two ways you can create a new form in Infinity: in a new tab in an existing folder or in a completely new folder in your board.

If you opt for the option number one, then you'll just change the view in the new tab to Form and continue to customize it to your liking.

Keep in mind that your form will come with all the attributes you used in your other tabs in that folder, so you might need to hide them.

If you create a new folder, you'll first choose the Form view, and then proceed to add attributes i.e. fields to it. Again, if you have already created certain attributes in your board, your form will come with these attributes.

In case you have nothing in your board aside from your form, then you'll just start with the Name field and go on from there.

How to Add Form Fields

Whether you already have some attributes in place or are starting from scratch, adding new ones functions the same as adding attributes in another view.

Click on the +Add an Attribute button, followed by +Create New Attribute. Next, choose the attribute that you want to add to your new form.

Once you hit Save, your new attribute will appear as a field in your form. You'll be able to edit the attribute anytime you like by clicking on its name.


In this attribute field you will see three sections:

  • Question Title
  • Question Description
  • Enter

Depending on your business and niche, "Question Title" will either be a question you want to ask people viewing the form (e.g. What's your name?) or a piece of information you require from them (e.g. Years of experience working in IT).

"Question Description" will hold a more detailed explanation of your Question Title (e.g. Please specify your full, middle, and last name).

You'll notice that it's not possible for you to fill out the "Enter" section of the form—this is because this section is reserved for people filling out the form.

Once you have added the attributes that you want, as well as question titles/descriptions, you'll be able to proceed with customizing your form.

Include and Exclude Fields

For every attribute field in your form, you'll be able to decide if you want to include or exclude it from your form. You'll be able to do this easily by clicking on the small blue eye to the right of your field's name.


You can toggle this option on and off whenever you want to, and it can especially come in handy when you're creating a form in a folder with existing attributes.

Required Questions and Answers

In your form, you'll also be able to choose which questions your users, colleagues, or clients need to fill out i.e. which answers you require for them.

To the left of the small blue eye for excluding/including fields, you'll find the Required/Not Required toggle.


When you toggle it on, a small red asterix will appear next to the question and people filling out your form won't be able to submit it until they fill out this particular question.

Form Customization Options

The Form view comes with a couple of customization options that will allow you to make the form "your own". Here's what you can do:

  1. Add a cover photo.
  2. Add a logo.
  3. Give your form a name.
  4. Write a description for your form.
  5. Change the color of the Submit button.
  6. Change the text of the Submit button.
  7. Write a 'thank you' message that appears after a form is submitted.

In addition to this, you can also:

  1. Decide if you want to show/hide the "Submit another response" button.
  2. Decide if you want to show/hide the "Powered by Infinity" badge.
  3. Choose if you want to redirect people to another URL after the submission.
  4. Subscribe a team member to the form so that they receive a notification every time someone submits a response.


Previewing Your Form

Before you go ahead and share your form with potential users, clients, or collaborators, you can easily preview it and see if everything looks the way you want it to.

You'll find the Preview button right next to the view switcher below your tab. Click on it to see how your form will look like when shared.


You can always switch back to the Edit mode by clicking the same button.

How to Share Your New Form

Once you're satisfied with how your form looks, you can go ahead and click on the Share button.

Once you do, a small window will open. Here, you'll first need to enable sharing your form. Without doing so, people won't be able to see or access it.

Next, decide how you want to share your form: via a public link or by embedding the form on your website.


Sharing the link can be useful in case you need to collect information just once, and if you need to share the form with just a select group of people.

Embedding the form can come in handy if you want it permanently present on your website for e.g. collecting leads or contact information.

Receiving the Information

Whenever someone submits a response through your form, you will receive the information in the same folder where you created the form.

However, to see the information, you'll need to have another tab open, preferably with the Table view in place, because it will be easier for you to scan the information.

Every time someone submits a response, the information will appear in a new row.

{info} TIP: When creating a form, it's best to immediately create one tab with the Table view and another tab with your form. Additionally, it's a good idea to keep the form in a separate folder, for easier organization.