How to Use Infinity’s Attributes

In the section about items, we mentioned the abundance of customization options that Infinity offers. Now it’s time to talk about Attributes, which are largely responsible for Infinity’s powerful flexibility.

When you click on an item, a pop-up window or a sidebar to your right will open, depending on how you opted to view your items.

In this new window, you will be able to explore all the attributes that we have in our database, choose the ones that you want to add to your items, and customize each attribute to suit your needs.

{info} TIP: You can use each attribute as many times as you like, as long as you name it differently. For example, the Date attribute can be a “Due Date”, a “Start Date”, and an “End Date”. Labels can be a “Status”, “Priority”, or “Type”.

How to Add Attributes to Items

Whether you're starting from scratch or working from a template, adding a new attribute to your item will function the same: you'll need to click on +Add an Attribute button.

Now, this is where things get a bit different.

If you're starting from scratch, you'll immediately see a drop-down menu with all the attributes in our database, and you'll get to choose which one you need.


Next, you'll continue to customize your attribute by giving it a name and specifying other details that are required.

{primary} NOTE: Different attributes will have different details to fill in.

However, in case you're working from a template or a board where certain attributes have already been created, you will need to click on +Add an Attribute, then +Create New Attribute. Next, go on to customize your attribute.


{info} TIP: While you're in your item modal/sidebar, you will be able to drag and drop your attributes. Keep in mind that this order won't change the order of the attributes in the actual view you're using.

Attributes in Different Views

Depending on the view you choose, attributes will look a bit differently.

In the Table view, each attribute will represent a different column. You will be able to rearrange them by drag-and-dropping them.

In the Columns and List view, attributes will be assigned a place in the item (i.e. ticket), and you won't be able to change their order.

In the Calendar and Gantt view, you will see the attributes only when you enter an item, while in the Form view, each attribute will be a different form field.

Editing and Deleting Attributes

To edit items in Infinity, simply click on the attribute name in the item modal/sidebar, and then choose Edit.

This is also where you get to decide if you want to delete if from the folder you're in or the entire board.


If you want to get an overview of all of your items in a certain folder and to add new attributes on folder-level, click on the small cogwheel next to the first tab in your folder.


Here, you will be able to see a list of all the attributes, edit them, as well as delete them, without having to open up every item.

When deleted, attributes will be sent to the Trash, which you can find in the bar at the top of your screen.


Here, you'll be able to decide if you want to restore them or delete them for good.

Another way to edit, add, and delete your attributes is to head over to the Attribute Manager.

Using the Attribute Manager

In order to access the Attribute Manager, you'll first need to click on the Board Manager button in the upper left corner of your board.

In the pop-up that opens, select the section Attributes.


This is where you'll be able to see all the attributes in your board, as well as quickly access their settings. To do so, simply click on any of the attributes on the list.

In the next window, you'll be able to edit your attribute of choice.


Depending on the attribute, you'll be able to change different settings, e.g. the Assignee attribute will let you decide if you want to add multiple collaborators, while the Label attribute will have the multiple selection option.

You'll also be able to edit their names right there, as well as see in which folders they can be found. You can add them to another folder if needed or remove them from a certain folder.

Finally, this is also where you'll be able to delete the attribute you selected.

If you go back to the list of attributes, you'll be able to see a Search bar above the list, as well as the option "Inactive only". If you tick this option, you'll only see the list of inactive attributes in your board i.e. the attributes you have hidden and are not using.


How to Set a Primary Attribute

In Infinity, it’s possible to pick a primary attribute per folder. This will come in handy to anyone who prefers to use a text attribute other than ‘Name’ to name their items.

Whenever you pick an attribute as the primary one in any of your folders, a small star will appear next to it and it will be bolded.


{primary} NOTE: Only Text attributes can be set as primary attributes for now.

To set a primary attribute for your items, you'll first need to expand one of he items in your folder. The item will open up either in a pop-up window or in a sidebar to your right.

By default, the Name attribute will be set as primary. To change this, click on any other Text attribute in your item and then select “Make primary attribute” from the drop-down menu.


You have now set your new primary attribute.

List of Attributes in Infinity

Below is a list of all the attributes we currently have in our database:

  • Date
  • Labels
  • Checkbox
  • Text
  • Long Text
  • Checklist
  • Links
  • Attachments
  • Button
  • Number
  • Reference
  • Members
  • Vote
  • Progress
  • Rating
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Formula
  • Created At
  • Updated At
  • Created By

You can find more details about each of them in their separate sections.